Metastatic breast cancer is complex, requiring holistic care and ongoing treatment, with varying prognosis depending on ...
A father-of-three who had cancerous breast tissue removed said he feels "complete" again after getting a realistic "3D" ...
Public-facing conversation regarding breast cancer is grounded in historical gender bias and is an example of the disparities ...
点击蓝字关注我们【导读】肿瘤相关微生物群是肿瘤微环境(TME)的重要组成部分。然而,以往对肿瘤内微生物群的研究主要依赖于整体组织分析。3月11日,浙江大学研究团队在期刊《Clinical And Translational ...
Cancer research saved my daughter’s life, and despite setbacks, we must support these efforts to ensure more lives are saved ...
ER+/PR+ breast cancer, common and hormone-responsive, offers a better prognosis and is key in treatment research advancements ...
近日,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院核医学科宋少莉教授团队的最新研究成果「Pilot study of Nectin-4–targeted PET imaging agent 68Ga-FZ-NR-1 in triple-negative breast ...
Hope for aggressive breast cancer. Survivors and doctors discuss breakthroughs, fears, and the need for inclusive research.
Katie Thurston was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2025 at the age of 34.
"Making lemonade out of our breast cancer journeys. Join our community to feel support and strength as we share it all." ...
"It’s just nice having matching nipples again after all these years,” said Dave Talbot, who marked the 10th anniversary of ...
Advocates argue that out-of-pocket costs for additional imaging, such as MRIs or diagnostic mammograms, deter patients from seeking necessary follow-up exams.