Netflix eventually wrote off the $55 million investment in late 2020. Now, it wants that bonus $11 million back. That may be ...
Netflix wants its money back. Five years after wiring $11 million to director Carl Erik Rinsch for a sci-fi series that never ...
Carl Erik Rinsch is a director with a flair for the extraordinary. His debut feature, 47 Ronin, transformed a historical ...
PANews 3月19日消息,据Decrypt报道,2013年Keanu Reeves主演的电影《47浪人》导演Carl ...
美国导演卡尔艾瑞克 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 因涉嫌诈骗Netflix高达1100万美元(约4863万令吉)被逮捕。他把骗到的资金拿去购买加密货币还有奢侈品,其中包含5辆劳斯莱斯还有法拉利。卡尔·艾瑞克是一位作家兼导演,因执导基努李维电影 ...
Carl Rinsch, a director, is accused of defrauding Netflix out of $11 million and failing to complete the sci-fi series 'White ...
Carl Erik Rinsch, the 47 Ronin director, allegedly defrauded Netflix of $11M meant for his sci-fi series White Horse, ...
币界网消息, Netflix 导演 Carl Erik Rinsch 挪用剧集预算进行股票和加密货币买卖被控犯有欺诈罪并被捕,据悉 Carl Erik Rinsch 挪用了 Netflix 剧集 Conquest 预算的 400 万美元押注 DOGE ...
Carl Erik Rinsch, the director behind the film "47 Ronin," was arrested on Tuesday on federal charges of wire fraud and money ...
Carl Erik Rinsch, known for directing the film "47 Ronin," is charged with wire fraud and money laundering for allegedly ...
Carl Rinsch allegedly defrauded Netflix of $11 million intended for a series that was never finished. Arrested in West ...