The whole-process people's democracy is designed to promote sound governance, boost national development, and improve the ...
香港终审法院星期四 (3月6日)一致推翻了对邹幸彤等三名前香港支联会成员的定罪判决,理由是存在不公平审判的情形。三人因为拒绝向警方提交该组织信息,原被控违反《香港国安法》实施细则而被定罪及入狱。
On March 4th, China's Two Sessions kicked off in Beijing. The events are closely intertwined with the whole-process people's ...
在今年的国际民主日到来之际,我们重申民主就是以人为中心。民主建立在融入、平等待遇和参与的基础之上,是和平、可 ...
今年国际民主日的主题重点关注人工智能作为促进良好治理工具的重要性。 秘书长安东尼奥•古特雷斯在为国际民主日发表的致辞中指出,人工智能 ...
在民主党拜登总统任内,执政的民进党经常强调台湾与美国虽然没有共同防御条约,也不具邦交关系,但因为在自由、民主、人权方面有共识,因此是价值伙伴(value partner)、民主盟友(democratic ally),并且以接受拜 ...
BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) -- China's top political advisory body on Monday concluded its annual session, calling on political advisors to make new and greater contribution to advancing Chinese ...
Tulia Ackson, president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), emphasized China’s unique approach to democracy, highlighting the people-centered governance model. By prioritizing policies that improv ...
As nearly 3,000 national lawmakers gather in Beijing for the annual legislative session, some have shared their experiences in performing their duties and witnessing China's democracy in action.
The "two sessions" offer the world an important window into China's unique and distinctive whole-process people's democracy, through which the thoughts and aspirations of over 1.4 billion people have ...