Your iPhone holds some of your most private information – messages, photos and personal data secured by encryption, that even ...
The media has been barred from attending a tribunal hearing which was reportedly part of Apple’s legal action against the ...
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, along with four other federal lawmakers, said in a letter this week to the president of the U.K.’s ...
在全球数字隐私愈发重要的今天,苹果再次站上了法律与科技的风口浪尖。近日,苹果公司向英国调查权力法庭(Investigatory Powers Tribunal)提起了上诉,直指来自英国政府要求在其iCloud云存储服务中创建后门的命令。这一法规自2016年实施以来,首次面临法庭的审查,成为了重要的法律里程碑。
UK news organisations unsuccessfully waited all Friday to argue a secret Apple encryption appeal against the Govt must be ...
Your iPhone holds some of your most private information – messages, photos and personal data secured by encryption, that even ...
The U.K. government's secret order to Apple demanding it backdoor the end-to-end encrypted version of its iCloud storage ...
Two human rights groups have filed a legal complaint with the UK's Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) in an attempt to quash ...
Covert tactics are an essential investigative tool in tackling contemporary organised and serious crime – they are not ...
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers are coming to Apple's defense over the UK government's attempts to get backdoor access ...