Town halls are among the strategies that Democrats are using to try to get their base fired up against the Trump White House.
While Democrats host events, California Republicans have largely avoided facing their constituents. The town hall furor comes ...
Pissed-off voters in red states across the country are revealing how afraid lawmakers are of their own constituents.
Voters across the country continued to mount growing pressure on elected officials in town halls that covered many decisions ...
House Republicans who faced hostile crowds and viral confrontations at town halls in their districts are defending their ...
Democrats last week launched a coordinated effort to host "People’s Town Halls" in all 50 states after disruptive protests ...
With the House in recess this week, Democrats are using the time to hold town halls, some not in their own districts.
Democratic lawmakers have faced eruptions of anger at town hall meetings across the country this week, as constituents have ...
Progressive organization “Indivisible” is helping organize town halls in districts nationwide where Republicans in Congress ...
Usually constituents are polite when attending town halls, using the events as opportunities to meet and discuss issues with ...
Democrats are facing outrage from their constituents at town halls who believe their elected officials are not doing enough ...