In a recent discussion started by a player in a March 15 Reddit thread, many players agreed that the Monk class is the best ...
At the turn of the week, Echo was holding onto a one boss advantage over Team Liquid in World of Warcraft’s Race to World ...
WoW's recently revealed advanced decoration mechanics for the upcoming player housing system is built from the ground up to ...
World of Warcraft's getting its own player housing, which'll be dropping either on—or just a little before—the release of its ...
World of Warcraft Classic players will get the chance to travel back to Pandaria and relive one of Blizzard’s most vibrant ...
With Democrats in the House and Senate raging at Schumer because he insisted senators bend a knee to President Donald Trump ...
Blizzard heavily nerfed all Mythic+ dungeons by reducing the damage done and overall health of every enemy by 10%. Every Mythic key level will be much easier to complete which may cause these rankings ...
WoW's new patch, Undermine(d), opened the gates to its new raid recently. Which means, as is tradition, a race to Mythic world first has begun. While guilds have been wearing their keyboards and MMO ...
Blizzard revealed more information about the upcoming housing system in World of Warcraft. The interior decorating mode turns ...
A World of Warcraft guild has pulled off a hilarious stunt: They've won the race to world first in the new Undermine patch ...
Billy Flynn is leaving Days of Our Lives. The actor who first joined the Peacock sudser in 2014 to play Chad DiMera is moving ...
Blizzard has already stripped the group of its ill-earned Hall of Fame status. The race to be the first to clear the Mythic difficulty version of World of Warcraft's new Liberation of Undermine raid ...