Hussaini, also known as the Aga Khan, died on Tuesday, February 4, aged 88. A colossally wealthy philanthropist, he was also ...
Hussaini, son of Prince Karim Al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV, has been named in his father’s will as his successor to lead the ...
PARIS: Islamic spiritual leader the Aga Khan died in Lisbon on Tuesday aged 88, leaving millions of followers in mourning ...
Shia Ismailis are mourning the passing away of their spiritual leader, Prince Karim Al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV, their 49th ...
The Aga Khan, imam of the Ismaili Muslims and head of a major development aid network, has died in Lisbon at the age of 88, ...
PRINCE Karim Aga Khan, 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims , has died at 88. The Aga Khan Development Network ...
The Aga Khan, imam of the Ismaili Muslims and head of a major development aid foundation, has died in Lisbon, Portugal at the ...