The Ministry of Religious Affairs is providing interest-free microloans and financial assistance to imams and muezzins across Bangladesh from Imam-Muezzin Welfare ...
His Highness Prince Karim al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV, leader of Ismaili Muslims worldwide, died Feb. 4. Almas Muscatwalla writes ...
DHAKA, March 24, 2025 (BSS) – The Ministry of Religious Affairs will provide profitless small loans to the Imam and Muazzins of the mosques from now on.
Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, of the Global Imams Council, better known on social media as the “Imam of Peace,” said Canadian Muslim leaders have a large role to play in battling extremism.
Srinagar- Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims thronged shrines and Imambargahs on Monday to mark the martyrdom anniversary of ...
But Zahed endured and would go on to to shatter just about every stereotype when it comes to Islam: he grew up, became an openly gay imam, and established Europe’s first LGBT mosque. Being an ...
The star and crescent This is sometimes seen at the top of a mosque, and is a commonly known symbol relating to Islam. The five pointed ... a platform from which the imam preaches his sermon ...
Image caption, Female Imam Yonghua Zheng. There are several Islamic teachings that place a ... Allah has entrusted them with,” (Qur’an 4:34). However, many modern Muslim families, in the ...
The former Chief Imam of the University of Lagos (UNILAG ... Oyo State in accordance with Islamic rites. The late scholar was a respected religious leader and academic, known for his contributions ...
OTTAWA — With Canada turning a worrying blind eye towards Islamic extremism, a group of Imams are taking a stand against dangerous ideologies.
a moderate Imam and scholar who is “deeply concerned” about the definition. He tells Kamal and Camilla it will close down open discussion of Islam and give extremists “a get out of jail free ...