We installed two 20-inch PlaneWave Telescopes (CDK20, 20-inch, 0.51 meter, f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrographs) on Software Bisque Taurus 500 mounts in the spring of 2017. The telescopes are ...
The 18-inch telescope had a unique flip secondary mirror that provides either f/8 or f/16 optical paths - enabling it to be optimized for planetary or deep-sky viewing. Not only could the telescope be ...
But if you have your heart set on purchasing a telescope, here are a few good tips to follow: Go to your local bookstore or newsstand and browse through one of the various astronomy magazines where ...
Here's an example: A 6-inch telescope has a focal length of 36 inches. To find the f/ratio, divide 36 by 6. This produces f/6. Often, the aperture is in inches, but the focal length is given in ...
The best telescopes allow you to observe this month's full planetary parade more closely and give you a front-row seat to the total lunar eclipse in March. The best telescopes unlock the wonders ...
THE present volume, which is to a great extent a reprint, is designed for the help and instruction of those who, possessing a small telescope, are at a loss as to how best to use it. On the whole ...
Turning to the heavens, [Alex] took a look at the most interesting objects you can see with a 6-inch telescope. Images of the moon turned out rather well, with beautiful 2-bit dithering along the ...