Cheek teeth are impossible to view in a horse’s mouth without a speculum, but most owners can lift the lips to look at the gums and teeth around the incisors and canines. “If the incisors are ...
a horse’s teeth get longer as it gets older. To look a horse you’ve been given in the mouth is therefore to assess its value and, quite frankly, on the rude side. This proverb first appeared ...
Two specimens of Equus neogeus, horse teeth found by Charles Darwin on the Voyage of the Beagle (1831-1836), are now online. George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984), an influential US palaeontologist, once ...
A no vote option for driver’s license under SB73 Speaking against it were veterinarians from different parts of South Dakota who work on horse’s teeth, such as Heather Sutton of rural ...