【环球网报道 记者 张晓雅】据菲律宾ABS-CBN电视台、GMA新闻网最新报道,菲律宾前总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特11日被拘捕后在菲律宾维拉莫空军基地的画面曝光,他质疑警方依国际刑事法院(ICC)逮捕令拘捕他的合法性。
With GMA Network’s continued collaborations with its former industry rival ABS-CBN, Annette Gozon-Valdes, GMA’s senior vice ...
菲律宾前总统杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)离开香港后,周二(11日)回国于马尼拉机场被捕。菲律宾ABS-CBN电视台、GMA新闻网最新报道,杜特尔特被拘捕后,在菲律宾维拉莫空军基地的画面曝光,他质疑警方依国际刑事法院(ICC)逮捕令拘捕他的合法性。 ABS-CBN电视台称,杜特尔特的女儿维罗妮卡·杜特尔特(Veronica ...
Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle Dee wowed the crowd of the 'Body of Work' fashion show not only with her sultry all-black fit but also with her surprise performance. The Sparkle beauty ...
CBN's 'Pinoy Big Brother' welcomes stars from GMA into its iconic blue and yellow house MANILA, Philippines – A new set of celebrity housemates are entering the iconic blue and yellow house of the hit ...
For Balinger, who grew up in the ABS-CBN ecosystem, the contrast between its past glory and current state remains stark.
菲律宾前总统杜特尔特一回国即遭逮捕,这一幕令人扼腕叹息。据菲律宾ABS-CBN电视台、GMA新闻网最新报道,菲律宾前总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特11日被拘捕后在菲律宾维拉莫空军基地的画面曝光,他质疑警方依国际刑事法院(ICC)逮捕令拘捕他的合法性。小马科斯 ...
据菲律宾ABS-CBN电视台、GMA新闻网最新报道,菲律宾前总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特11日被拘捕后在菲律宾维拉莫空军基地的画面曝光,他质疑警方依国际刑事法院(ICC)逮捕令拘捕他的合法性。报道说,菲律宾前执行部长萨尔瓦多·梅迪亚尔德亚也就“可疑逮捕令” ...
Herlene Budol is updated with the newest season of “Pinoy Big Brother” (PBB) as she asked to be let inside the famous house, which also welcomed new housemate, ABS-CBN star Bianca de Vera.