在科技的浪潮中,人工智能(AI)无疑是最为炙手可热的领域之一。随着各大企业纷纷投入巨资研发AI技术,AI服务器市场成为了兵家必争之地。然而,在这场激烈的角逐中,并非所有的参赛者都能笑到最后。近日,投资银行巨头高盛针对超微电脑公司(Super Micro Computer, ...
NVIDIA released a new petaflop AI computer DGX Spark (aka DIGITS). There is an ASUS version using the same Nvidia chip and ...
"AI and Machine Learning, Digital Transformation and Cloud Computing rank amongst the Top 4 spending priorities both ...
Artificial intelligence needs to be a lot more reliable to catch up with the hype cycle. A computer science professor says ...
作者:cage, haozhen编辑:Siqi在拾象团队的 2025 的 AI 关键预测中,我们提到:随着 Agent 时代到来,OS 才是 LLM 厂商们最高的护城河,从 computer use 到 MCP,Anthropic 构建 OS ...
【新智元导读】 随着AI智能体的爆发,Browser Use异军突起,刚刚融资1700万美元。它能让AI智能体轻松地「读懂」网站并自动完成复杂任务,引领了一波AI应用热潮。 据最新报道,Browser ...
Synopsys , which makes software used to design semiconductors, on Wednesday introduced a technology it said will pave the way ...
One can secure Engineering seats in Computer Science with AI specialisation, but remember AI belongs in all fields.
A computer that you can use in your home or work is coming out that contains silicon chips melded with living brain neurons.
Look like Mr. Zuckerberg is secretly working on something that could work as an alternative to invasive brain chips.
The new ‘Otter Meeting Agent’ activates a voice agent when called upon, understands questions, and pulls data from the ...
Here are five bits of advice on how to be smarter than the AI. Anyone who's had a joke fall flat on a social media site like ...