A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...
French corporations have survived flag changes, military coups, economic crises and terrorist attacks in Africa, yet they have always remained at the helm, controlling the continent’s vital resources.
Blighted by a history of war, shaky politics, and economic mismanagement, the people of this city are some of the world's ...
Africa is experiencing a troubling surge ... may be contributing to worsening poverty conditions. The findings underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions to address economic stagnation ...
People living in poverty have had their lives transformed by better living conditions and better quality ... market for their agricultural products. African countries can learn from such cases ...
However, in recent decades, Africa's relationship with the global system has begun to shift, and China has been a key ...
It also sheds light on the impact of taxes, transfers, and subsidies on poverty and inequality in 94 countries before 2020, providing important new insights into the impacts of fiscal policy not only ...
With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), these villagers in the narrow strip of land in West Africa had been approved ... the globe live in extreme poverty, defined by the World Bank as ...
Document - Statistical experts from 15 SADC Member States region gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa from 10-14 March 2025, for an intensive Regional Workshop on Sampling Methodologies for ...
These are corruption, unemployment, poverty, and crime ... To a large extent, Murray’s views resonate with the South Africa’s conditions of the poor. It is time for some unscrupulous ...