Kidnapped from his family as an infant, then raised by a drug lord before ending up in a Colombian zoo, Yoko the chimpanzee ...
Analysis - Chimpanzees are humans' closest living relatives, sharing over 98% of our DNA. They are endangered, with fewer ...
Morgan, who was not involved in Malherbe’s study, has studied chimpanzees in Central Africa, notably in the Republic of Congo ...
Analysis - Doug was the leader of his chimpanzee group. He had quickly gained a reputation from human observers as a fair and tolerant alpha male. One day he was separated from the group for some ...
Sanz exclaims gleefully. The fact that honey pounding hasn't been observed at other chimp research sites outside of central Africa suggests that it is not part of the species' innate behavioral ...
We observed a stable group of eight chimpanzees at Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa five years after their outdoor housing was given a revamp to a more naturalistic design. The chimpanzees ...
Somebody is always trying to make a monkey out of modern art. This time it was Peter, 4½, a West African chimpanzee with a penchant for paint, who lives in Sweden’s Boras zoo. Newsmen on the ...
Chimpanzees, for example ... contributed to generating the remarkable diversity found among the African apes. Complete human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan genomes have provided ...
We begin this discussion of our species' evolution in Africa, near the end of the geological time period known as the Miocene, just before our lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees and bonobos.
Morgan, who was not involved in Malherbe’s study, has studied chimpanzees in Central Africa, notably in the Republic of Congo’s Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. “We have yet to record losses ...