COMMON WISDOM #6: Women provide the bulk of labor input in African agriculture, regularly quoted to be 60 to 80%. Two messages emerge. First, the findings question prevailing assertions that ...
On March the 8th, the world celebrated International Women's Day. This year's theme was "For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment" and called for actions that aim to unlock power and ...
The Acting Chief Executive of the Ghana Export – Import Bank (GEXIM), Sylvester Mensah has urged African governments and all ...
which can be used as a yardstick in South Africa to resolve the challenge of gender-based inequality in rural communities, solve food security challenges, alleviate poverty, and create jobs. The India ...
Women play a crucial role in agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors globally ・African countries have significantly higher participation rates in these sectors ・Women in Africa face ...
This Nigerian woman is using hydroponics to revolutionise ... Nigeria is a participant in the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the African Union’s policy framework ...
The Lisungi project has empowered refugee women in Congo by providing conditional cash transfers, training, and small business grants, enabling them to start agricultural cooperatives and transform ...
In sum, modern input use is not as low as is commonly believed, but there is room for considerable improvement, in both the level and method of input use. Although the conventional wisdom remains ...