Rotolante says initially she was elated to join the program after Hurricane Irma damaged her home in 2017. “I was running around crying, telling everybody what a blessing it was,” Rotolante said.
The causeway draws an estimated half million cyclists and 250,000 pedestrians a year, according to Miami-Dade County. The ...
She joined the Rebuild Florida program to have her home that was damaged during Hurricane Irma in 2017 repaired. “This is supposed to help us and it turns around and ends up, it’s the biggest ...
The former tennis star was brought to New Orleans by Team Gleason in 2017 after hurricanes Irma and Maria decimated his home ...
Rotolante says initially she was elated to join the program after Hurricane Irma damaged her home in 2017. “I was running around crying, telling everybody what a blessing it was,” Rotolante said.