Creativity flourishes as fans transform favorite Animal Crossing Villagers into delicious real-world foods. The community reacts with praise and requests for recipes after one player's food-themed ...
New Horizons is a fantastic Nintendo Switch game all around, but why did it stop getting updates so soon into its lifespan?
With well over 400 villagers to choose from, Animal Crossing has many characters that fans have strong feelings about. Whether it’s a favorite character, one they can’t stand, or simply one ...
Perhaps best of all, though, if you choose to join their ... But let's be honest, some of our Animal Crossing villagers literally deserve to die (or just move the fuck out already, please Hamphrey ...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons has taken over lives ... So here's the hack: Start by talking to all the villagers you like and want to keep on your island. Do not talk to the ones you want ...