During their incredible journey across the Amazon, Will Smith’s team was thrilled to find this enormous Northern Green Anaconda, which measures around seven meters long and weighs more than 200 kilos!
This continues to devastate the lands of Indigenous peoples and local communities, killing wildlife, and worsening the climate crisis. Every hectare of the Amazon that is destroyed pushes the ...
"To effectively protect nature, you first need to know what's there." Researchers stunned by rare discovery deep in the Amazon rainforest: 'I almost couldn't believe it' first appeared on The Cool ...
The road network in the Amazon compromises forest connectivity and increases threats to the native wildlife, such as this snake killed in a vehicle strike on the BR-319 Manaus-Porto Velho highway ...
The world needs the Amazon, but it is being destroyed ... Aripa told us of a time when there were plenty of animals roaming the forest, and fish in the river. "I look around and feel like this ...