From unbreakable bonds to the most unexpected friendships, animals and humans share a connection like no other. Watch heartwarming moments where wild instincts meet gentle companionship ...
is the human-animal bond.” “More and more research goes into this,” he continued. “It's highly interesting and, at its foundation, very simple. We have evolved together with dogs for 30 ...
We humans and bats are pretty social creatures ... But eusociality isn’t the only way animals work together. Presocial animals maintain close family relationships, and maybe live together ...
Dolphins have also been seen helping humans in distress ... in times of distress and even display compassion toward other animals. Why do elephants show such strong emotions?
In May 2008 a cross-party attempt to ban hybrid human animal embryos was defeated on a free vote in the House of Commons, by 336 to 176. MPs had been debating the Human Fertilisation and ...
I’m always leery of claims that humans are uniquely exceptional, that we are better than nonhuman animals (animals) at dealing with the demands of our daily lives, that we are more highly ...
The human-animal bond is mutually beneficial, and the welfare of people and their pets is inextricably linked. At times, the welfare of both is jeopardized by concerns such as homelessness or abuse.