总的来说,较新款的iPhone(从iPhone 7开始)已将其NFC功能拓展至超出支付的领域。你不仅可以用iPhone进行无接触支付,还能后台读取标签,创建个性化快捷指令,甚至在第三方应用中实现更多潜能。
苹果手机中的NFC技术并不是一夜之间出现的,从iPhone 6开始,这种小小的芯片便悄然登场。你可能会问,NFC到底能做什么?答案是:很大!但这其中的使用程度各型号之间,却如同不同的武器,有强有弱。这就让我们带着好奇心深入探索。
IT之家 11 月 16 日消息,科技媒体 MacRumors 昨日(11 月 15 日)发布博文,报道称苹果已将部分旧款 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 归类至过时 / 停产产品中。
Apple has just done some reorganizing of its vintage and obsolete products list, and the iPhone XS Max (launched in 2018) and iPhone 6s Plus (launched in 2015) are now both officially labeled as ...
Detailed features and specs for the Apple iPhone 6s Plus for AT&T, Boost, Cricket, Metro, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, Virgin Mobile. Plus discussion forum and photos ...
Detailed features and specs for the Apple iPhone 6s for AT&T, Boost, Cricket, Metro, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, Virgin Mobile. Plus discussion forum and photos ...
The version of the iPhone that superseded the iPhone ... The Force Touch feature, introduced on the Apple Watch, was renamed 3D Touch in the 6s/6s Plus, providing two levels of touch pressure ...
The iOS and iPadOS versions of Dropbox’s mobile app were updated this week with support for Live Photos which was first ...
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