对于太空发烧友来说,2020年是观看星象极佳的一年 ... 「2000 WO107」的太空隕石,正朝著地球前進。 Source: "asteroid" by andrewsrj is licensed with CC BY 2.0 ...
Asteroid 2020 XR is classified by NASA as a near Earth ... It is next forecast to fly past our planet in November 2028. However, the minimum distance will be much further away, at an estimated ...
The spacecraft left its orbit around Ryugu on Wednesday with samples of the asteroid in tow. Hayabusa-2 is expected to return to Earth in late 2020, completing its successful multi-year mission.
Pristine samples of the asteroid Bennu transported to Earth contain the "basic building blocks" for life, shedding new light ...