The Atomic Spectroscopy Group is one of the RSC's many Interest Groups. The Interest Groups are member driven groups which exist to benefit RSC members, and the wider chemical science community, in ...
Salt slurries in petri dishes with methanol are ignited and characteristic colors for various metals are observed. Colors of emission spectra are due to loosely-bound valence electrons being excited ...
These must report preliminary research findings that are highly original, of immediate interest and are likely to have a high impact on the analytical spectroscopy community. Communications are given ...
A team of researchers in the USA has come up with a revolutionary method capable of tracking chemical changes in molten salts ...
The objective of the research in the atomic and molecular laser spectroscopy laboratory is to gain knowledge about the basic properties of ions and neutral atoms and molecules, with a particular ...
Traditionally, copper metallurgy is not thought to have emerged until millennia later, during the Chalcolithic period. Thus ...
Bloch and Purcell were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952 for their discovery of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The NMR phenomenon relies on the interaction of the nuclei of ...
Atomic Force Microscopy-based SMFS is widely used due to its high force sensitivity ... Future directions in SMFS will focus on integrating SMFS with other techniques, such as fluorescence microscopy ...
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is an atomic optical-emission technique that can provide elemental analysis of an untreated sample at a distance, in solid, liquid or gaseous state.
Panel (a) provides a sequential view of Auger transitions in terms of atomic orbital energy (increasing radially) while panel (b) provides the same information in condensed format using spectroscopic ...