Men adore and worship beautiful women. They will often admire them but the truth is they will never marry them even if they date them. That is why you will find that a married man has a mistress ...
An curved arrow pointing right. A few months ago, BI Video gave you six scientifically proven tips on how men can be more physically attractive to women. Now we have six for women – all based on ...
What do we know now about the benefits of engaging in oral sex? Men married to more attractive women spend more time performing oral sex on their partners A 2013 article by Pham and Shackelford ...
Everyone thinks they have a solid idea of what creates attractiveness, but the truth is that quite often our partners really ...
Women ranked the heavy stubble as the most attractive, which takes about 10 days to achieve. The researchers of the study predicted that women may judge bearded faces to be more attractive than ...