For rectangular faces, the goal is to add some fullness and create a more chiseled look. 'Beard styles that add width, like the hipster beard, work well, as do styles that help define the jawline, ...
You can shape your chin line and hide ... Think iconic styles seen on the likes of Tom Selleck.' 'If you've got a round face, you can square it up with the right beard,' says Walker.
This creates a seamless taper. Step 3: Line Up the Beard When lining up, the key is softness. Avoid cutting too far into your hairline; instead, just remove the stray hairs that sit above the ...
I then line-up the neckline and cheeks, close shaving everywhere else ... Offering 40 length settings ranging from 0.5mm up to 20mm with the longest guard attaches, the Series 9 aced my tests when it ...