What are ways species exchange genes with each other? Hybridization and gene flow are shortcuts to biodiversity that don’t always involve differentiation. By continuing to study hybridizing ...
A new technique, based on a chain reaction of recognition and hybridization events between two sets of DNA hairpin molecules, offers an enzyme-free alternative for the rapid detection of specific ...
The biochemistry major is designed to equip students with a broad, quantitative understanding of the chemical and molecular principles governing biological processes. The biochemistry concentration ...
Biochemistry involves the study of the chemical transformations and the intricate concert of processes that take place in living organisms. Through coursework and research in our department, our ...
The engineered motor, with redesigned DNA/RNA sequences and a 3.8-fold increase in hybridization rate, achieved a speed of 30 nm/s, 200 processivity, and a 3 μm run-length.