(Mewshaw, as you can see here, was one gloomy tennis ... “Do it now, Bjorn!” Borg double faults on the next point and loses in straight sets. Back in Milan, his wife, pop star Loredana Berte ...
If one has to characterise Leo Borg in one word, that would be it. It is one thing handling the pressure that comes with answering to a famous surname, quite another to embrace it and give your ...
Chris Evert once opened up about a characteristic she shared with fellow tennis legends like Roger Federer and Bjorn Borg. The American also explained how her younger self had differed from the ...
Leo Borg's father Bjorn is one of tennis' all-time greats ... There could well be more youngsters with tennis-star parents coming through. Serbian former world number one Novak Djokovic's 10 ...
This summer Tennis Channel re-ran several classic Wimbledon finals from the 1970s and ’80s. Among the finest was the 1977 championship men’s match between Bjorn Borg and Jimmy Connors.
Veteran India tennis star, and broadcaster, Vijay Amritraj on Friday reflected on his rivalry with former World No 1, Swedish ...