The office building at 490 First Ave. S was mangled by a fallen construction crane during Hurricane Milton. Now, one of the ...
There is a painting by Philip Guston called The Line (1978), in which a red, veiny hand descends from the clouds, and draws a line with a stick of charcoal held between two fingers.
金融界1月27日消息,2025年1月27日,佩蒂股份召开第四届董事会第十一次会议,审议通过《关于补充确认全资子公司日常关联交易并调整其日常关联交易相关事项的议案》。公司全资子公司柬埔寨爵味食品有限公司对与关联企业Grand Bokor Special Economic Zone Co., Ltd.2022年5月1日签署的《土地租赁协议》进行调整,并于2025年1月27日在柬埔寨签署补充协议。议案还 ...