Kaiser advises 'Make sure the holes are large enough for ... This will let you hang your bottle bird feeder from any tree in the yard. Dr. Sara Kaiser says: 'Punch two holes at the top of your ...
cheap seed feeder which can attract a wide range of common garden bird species. Written instructions can be found below. Alternatively, find out how to make fat balls to give birds the extra energy ...
The handmade ideas for feeding birds recycled tray or platform bird feeders are safer for birds by reducing disease exposure.
There are three different bird feeders you can make with your grown-up. Take a look below, you might want to make all three! Scroll or swipe down to find out how to make a feast for the birds in ...
This super simple guide comes from a wonderful idea by BP Fan Beatrice, who helped Joel make this lovely bird feeder on Blue Peter! It's so easy to make, you only need a handful of things to work ...