A Bradford pear tree in bloom is a sure sign that springtime is in ... ∎ They are commonly planted as ornamental trees in ...
Blooming trees and flowers are a classic sign of spring, but one flowering tree actually causes an ugly invasive problem.
Bradford pear trees, an incredibly invasive and non-native species, are back and spreading fast across Missouri.
Thousands of Bradford pears are in bloom for the next few weeks. But good news: The city has a moratorium on planting new ones on public property.
The Bradford pear (Pyrus callerana "Bradford") was originally developed as a way to help control fire blight in pear trees.
In addition to the white blooms, Dr. Beck said an easy way to spot an invasive and non-intentionally planted Callery pear is ...
Folks heading outdoors in the early spring may catch a whiff of a foul odor as the infamous Bradford pears are beginning to ...
A Bradford pear tree in bloom is a sure sign that ... ∎ They are commonly planted as ornamental trees in South Carolina. ∎ Introduced from Asia due to its resistance to fire blight.