Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian ...
In this episode of Growing the Ozarks, host Kelly McGowan of the University of Missouri Extension talks with Springfield ...
Also, while it’s true that a native oak tree, for example, has more to offer as a food source for wildlife, in winter some animals do eat the Bradford pear tree’s small fruits if nothing else ...
Weak Branching Structure When a 30-foot-tall tree encounters a wind gust of 40 mph, it breaks up into little pieces and ends up as a pile of debris in the street. The reason is that all of its ...
Originally thought to be sterile, the Bradford pear tree easily cross-pollinates with other pear tree types. It’s so invasive it crowds out other native plants and provides little to no food for ...
Over the years, many comparisons have been made to the pungent odor of the Bradford pear tree — and they’re universally unappealing. Some describe its scent as a nauseating mix of overripe ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — There is a new proposal to look at the effects of a well-known tree that some say should be banned in Tennessee, the Bradford pear. Rep. Clay Doggett (R-Pulaski ...
A bird rests on a Bradford pear tree branch. The trees provide little forage for native species. Over the years, many comparisons have been made to the pungent odor of the Bradford pear tree ...
Missourians who cut down the Callery/Bradford pear tree on their property can receive a free, native tree in return. All you have to do is register online for the event and upload a picture of ...