Thursday closed up +0.31 (+1.57%), and May London ICE white sugar #5 (SWK25) closed up +6.60 (+1.18%). Sugar prices posted ...
Authorities are recommending an increase in the blend of ethanol in regular gasoline to 30 percent from the current level of 27.5 percent.
Brazil is forecasting for this year its greatest production of sugar cane ethanol ever according to the country's National Supply Company, Conab. The total volume is estimated between 26.4 and 27. ...
Concerns are growing over India's ability to meet export quotas, while dry weather in Brazil may impact the cane harvest.
Brazil's Companhia Nacional do Abastecimento is forecasting record levels for the 2007-2008 sugarcane production fuelled (pun intended) by the expansion of ethanol. According to this official ...
Industry estimates indicated that sugar production in two of the world’s largest producers, Brazil and India, may fall short ...
Green Pool Commodity Specialists noted that as much as 5 MMT of sugar cane may have been lost due to the fires. Conab, Brazil's government crop forecasting agency, cut its 2024/25 Brazil sugar ...
Cachaça, sometimes marketed as Brazilian rum, is one of the world's most popular spirits and serves as the base for the caipirinha, a classic cocktail perfect for spring.
said on Thursday that below-average precipitation in Brazil means sugarcane is underdeveloped in some areas, and if showers remain weak, the sugar harvest that begins in April could be delayed ...
The Brazilian government has come to the rescue of the sugar-ethanol industry announcing ... Elizabeth Farina, president of Brazil's leading cane industry association Unica, said that the measures ...
Alvean, the world's largest sugar trader, said below-average precipitation in Brazil means sugarcane is underdeveloped in some areas, and if showers remain weak, the sugar harvest that begins in ...