How these menacing towers of raw concrete that just a few short years ago were considered the ugliest buildings in the world became highly covetable and intensely influential all over again.
The Brutalist won a trio of Oscars last night ... and design critic of the Financial Times since 1999. His numerous books on architecture include Monument Builders, Contemporary Church ...
She said: "Social media and image-sharing platforms are helping people see the brutalism style in a different way. There are more coffee table books on the architecture, too, as opposed to ...
The Cite Radieuse was just the beginning. Well into the 1970s, brutalist architecture dominated new construction worldwide. Concrete was affordable, and the unadorned forms meant a relatively ...
Dallas begins landmarking process for City Hall Mark Lamster on why brutalist civic architecture is worth ... was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography.
Brutalist architecture divides opinion. The question now is: demolish or preserve? That name comes not from the style's generally rugged, massive and radical look, but from its original raw ...
Corbet has said a book about Breuer’s work on Saint ... Surprisingly, almost no Brutalist architecture appears in “The Brutalist” – until the audience glimpses Toth’s completed ...