As for Nat worship, the people, in spite of the king's edicts, went on worshiping the Nats, and Anawrahta finally decided to bring them over into Buddhism. The figures of the thirty-six lords were ...
Buddhists chant alone or together. If together, they chant in unison. Chanting is not like hymns sung to worship God (for example, in the Christian faith). It helps Buddhists to enter into a calm ...
The peepal tree holds significant astrological and spiritual importance in Indian traditions, especially in Buddhism, Jainism ...
Panadure Ariyadhamma Thera brought about a virtual revolution in Buddhist worship by developing a unique Buddhist liturgy which has lasted up to date. He was responsible for popularizing Ata Visi ...
It makes me feel peaceful whenever I get here. It’s a good feeling to have when I worship. Whenever Buddhists enter the temple, we remove our shoes and hats to show respect. Inside, there is ...