坐在副驾驶上视野很开阔,很多人都爱坐副驾驶,那么副驾驶的英文是什么呢?不知道的同学快来学习吧。 passenger seat 不是普通的乘客座位,特指司机旁边的乘客座位,也就是副驾驶位。 你的朋友要是对你说 passenger seat ...
Brief video shows youths kicking, grabbing driver Tabatha Dougherty after she says she stood up for a passenger who was ...
Tabatha Dougherty was CDTA bus operator and was driving the 100 line, which was a route she has been driving since August 2024. October 24th was also Tabatha's last day on the job. Tabatha said an ...