Carbon capture chemically removes CO2 from the air, to store or recycle into products. But is this technology – underwritten ...
Scientists have created a way to convert carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas, into formic acid. Formic acid, also found in bee and ant venom, can be used to sustainably power fuel-cell ...
A team of Yale chemists has discovered a new method for transforming carbon dioxide (CO2) into a valuable chemical called ...
This can be done either by increasing the pressure of the gas or by converting it into a liquid. In order for this to occur safely and efficiently, we need to understand as much as possible about ...
When soda companies add carbon dioxide gas to a soda mixture, the water is very cold so it can hold a lot of gas. They also use pressure to put more gas in the water than it could normally hold at ...
“The bubbles capture our attention as they animate the liquid, making it appear ... of a taster,” Lepousez explained. CO2 is also an irritant gas that stimulates the same receptors as mustard.
To accomplish this, the nation not only must cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote ... AIST and JPEC have focused on creating liquid synthetic fuel from CO2 and hydrogen. This synfuel boasts ...
Scientists in China have simulated a system that combines liquid-based direct air capture with diabatic compressed air energy ...
During the night the process of converting liquid into gas begins at the pressure ... plant through thermodynamic transformation of CO2. The gas is cooled by means of a compressor and stored ...
DNV has awarded a detailed Approval in Principle (AiP) to Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited and Brevik Engineering for their design of a 74,000 cubic metres (cbm) liquid carbon ...