Check out the UK Government's handy state pension age calculator and see when you will be able to claim yours.
Financial advisor Warren Shute explains how to work out exactly how much money you'll really need in retirement - and five ...
The State Pension age is set to rise between 2026 and 2028, with a further rise phased in between 2044 and 2046 ...
The best solution is to call the UK Government’s Future Pension Service on 0800 731 0175 to double check how many years you ...
We've assumed your savings grow by 6% a year, and you pay annual charges of 0.75% (workplace pension charges are capped at this level). The calculator also assumes an average rate of inflation of 2% a ...
Here's what you need to know about the current state pension age of 66 and future changes, so you can find out when you will be allowed to retire. What is the state pension age and why is it rising?
In September 2024 this was confirmed as being 1.7%, according to the consumer price index. However, the State Pension ...
Inflation figures for September 2021 are used to calculate the rise in the state pension, with the rate announced each December for the following April ...