Sonoma residents now have the opportunity to weigh in on Cal Fire’s statewide update to the Fire Hazard Severity Maps for ...
For governments, the maps guide planning and development, and inform infrastructure requirements, such as those for roads. But these zones could eventually impact a vast number of California yards.
The next phase of updated California Fire Hazard Severity Zones, which assess the likelihood of wildfire behavior in local ...
CalFire has new threat designations for areas much closer to urban areas than before. Maps for the Central Valley came out ...
State officials have released a third batch of maps showing fire hazards in California's Bay Area and the state's northern ...
Cal Fire’s updated maps will add 1.4 million acres to zones requiring stricter fire safety regulations, including parts of San Joaquin County around Tracy and Mountain House. The new maps ...
NOW, THOSE NEW CAL FIRE MAPS SHOW YOLO COUNTY HAS NEARLY 40,000 ... 12, showing the changes in current wildfire hazards compared to 2011. Catch up on that story here. The chief of the South ...
For the first time in more than a decade, Cal Fire is reassessing wildfire risk in Bay Area cities. New fire hazard severity maps show dramatic increases in some areas of Sonoma and Napa counties ...
(FOX26) — California has updated its fire maps, used to determine which agency is responsible for fighting wildland ... the State Fire Marshall identifies the FHSZs and transmits them to the Local ...
Fire hazard severity map for Cupertino (courtesy of Cal Fire) Morgan Hill lost area considered very high hazard — the acreage dropped to 638 in current maps from 1,506 in 2011 — but has 1,493 ...