Stricter rules in Michigan involving how young children are seated – and where they sit – in a passenger vehicle take effect ...
Starting next week, children must remain in a rear-facing car seat until at least 2 years old or until they outgrow the ...
Michigan State Police this week reminded drivers about updates to the state's Child Passenger Safety Law taking effect in ...
The Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning is advising state residents that updated child passenger safety laws take effect Wednesday, April 2. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ...
The new law aims to decrease the number of children killed in crashes, which remains the leading cause of death for young ...
Parents, mark your calendars. April 2 is when Michigan’s new car seat laws go into effect. If you break the law, you could get a ticket, but more importantly, these laws could save lives.
Parents with small children may have to adjust vehicle seats come April as Michigan has made changes to its child passenger ...