EZ-Spread™ Plating Beads from AMSBIO allow you to spread bacterial and yeast cells across the surface of an agar plate in just seconds. Eliminating the traditional need for glass rods and potentially ...
EZ-Spread™ Plating Beads from AMSBIO (Oxford, UK) allow you to spread bacterial and yeast cells across the surface of an agar plate in just seconds. Eliminating the traditional need for glass rods and ...
In the HyCoFC research project, industry and research partners are working together to develop bipolar plates for durable, ...
Bipolar plates form the backbone of proton exchange fuel cells and consequently capture a significant portion of the fuel cell stack value, with IDTechEx forecasting their market value to exceed ...
The BIOFLOAT™ surface is anti-adhesive which repels cells of all types preventing them from attaching to the surface of the plate. This, along with the round bottoms of the wells, results in cells ...