Many callers who report an emergency in Charleston County speak a different language, which can increase call volumes, making ...
Charleston County 911 is improving how they respond to emergencies through new software, launched last week. Now, dispatchers ...
Carbyne®, a global leader in public-safety technology, is excited to announce that Charleston County Consolidated Emergency Communications Center (ECC) in South Carolina, has selected Carbyne's APEX ...
As home to South Carolina's largest city, Carbyne APEX's advanced features will help keep Charleston County's busy emergency call center running efficiently in all emergencies. Director Jim Lake ...
Charleston County 911 is strengthening their emergency response by upgrading their call handling capabilotiesCharleston ...
The Charleston County Consolidated Emergency Communications Center has adopted a new and more advanced call-handling software that improves emergency responses from the public and first responders.
Some Greenville County first responders are exploring ways to improve communication within the county’s dispatch systems.
Charleston County’s new 911 call handling services are helping turn the call no one wants to have to make into a more productive, stress-free experience for both the caller and the operator.