2024年,成都累计接待入境外国游客114万人次,同比增长190%。免签政策落地后,东南亚游客“扎堆”来蓉。他们热衷看熊猫、爬雪山,还“种草”新景点。入境游消费活力提振行业,导游收入增长,如Chengdu ...
2月23日, 成都国际友城馆将携手成都地铁运营有限公司运营四公司,通过知识讲座和互动游戏带领大家深入了解世界地铁的发展历史以及成都地铁的建设历程与科技实力,感受轨道上的成都速度,触摸这座城市的现代化脉动。
Unicorn companies have high growth,and to a certain extent represent the direction of economic transformation and upgrading,as well as the new quality of productivity. Recently,Great-wall Enterprise I ...
Situated in the middle of Sichuan Province, China, and as the provincial seat, Chengdu is one of the vice provincial-level cities, the center of politics, economy, culture and education ...
Después de que se lanzara el servicio de vuelos directos chárter de alimentos frescos entre Santiago y Chengdu, en mayo de ...
Una exposición sobre la superproducción de animación china Ne Zha 2 se inauguró el lunes por la tarde en Chengdu, capital de ...
The torch named "Zhu Meng" (Dream of Bamboo) of the World Games 2025 is released in Chengdu, southwest China's Sichuan ...