China’s Tiangong space station is on the verge of a historic milestone, as it prepares to host its first foreign visitor — a ...
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help them adapt to training pace and master space flight skills as soon as possible. I look forward to the Pakistani astronaut being a member of the Chinese space station," he added. Lin Xiqiang ...
Key project leaders such as Yang Liwei, the first Chinese astronaut in space and now a ... will need to undergo a series of stringent training and tests before qualifying themselves for actual ...
during which candidates will undergo rigorous training in China. Once chosen, the astronaut will participate in short-term flight missions alongside Chinese astronauts at the Tiangong space ...
China would assist Pakistan in selecting and training astronauts and the chosen candidates ... Later, one or more of them will join a Chinese crew for a short-term mission aboard the Tiangong.
help them adapt to training pace and master space flight skills as soon as possible. I look forward to the Pakistani astronaut being a member of the Chinese space station," he added. Lin Xiqiang ...
The Chinese outpost has three permanent ... They were the first foreign astronauts to take part in training in China.
"After they join our team, I will introduce to them precautions for key operations, help them adapt to training pace and master space flight skills as soon as possible. I look forward to the Pakistani ...