Only recently it has been found that the primary cilia of each cell communicate with each other during the developmental stages of a fetus and are important for the development of different structures ...
Whereas primary cilia have relatively little additional structure, motile cilia have both a central doublet of microtubules as well as inner and outer dynein arms and radial spokes, which are all ...
In her lab at Washington University in St. Louis, endocrinologist Jing Hughes studies a peculiar structure that sticks out of the surfaces of human pancreatic islet cells: the primary cilium. The ...
They provide nanometer-scale views of all the cells and structures in a volume of tissue—including cilia. "Every time you look into these large-scale volume data sets, you are seeing new biology ...
For a long time, almost all attention was on the motile cilia because their function was readily observable. But scientists, starting with Alexander Kowalevsky had reported the presence of single ...
B.S. – Biology. University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA. Research in my lab focuses on better understanding how motile cilia structure affects its function. Motile cilia are tiny, hair-like, ...