It cost only $3,995 back then. The Commodore PET computer was created in only six months after Commodore saw a prototype of the Apple II, which Steve Jobs offered to sell to the company.
Commodore PET 2001: The Commodore PET 2001 was the world’s first personal computer, debuting at CES 1977. Starting at $795 (over $4,000 today), it was powered by a MOS 6502 microprocessor and ...
I recall two events from this period which led me to consider a computer controlled project. First of all, we inherited two Commodore PET computers from one of the EE professors. Secondly ...
Here at the Vintage Computer Festival, we’ve found oodles of odds and ends from the past. Some, however, have gotten a modern twist like [bitfixer’s] recent Commodore PET project upgrades.
Commodore PET and Tandy TRS-80, which were offered pre-assembled with a monitor and keyboard. The IBM PC, however, wasn't released for another four years in 1981. The "1977 Trinity" phrase was ...