It has been suggested that it may be possible, by means of the increased blood ammonia concentration, to differentiate ruptured esophageal varices from other gastrointestinal sites of hemorrhage ...
A cotton swab is dipped into concentrated hydrochloric acid (producing hydrogen chloride gas) while a second on is dipped into concentrated aqueous ammonia (producing ammonia gas). Both cotton swabs ...
Method: Dip a glass rod in concentrated hydrochloric acid and put this in a sample of the gas. Result: If ammonia is present, a white ‘smoke’ of ammonium chloride is observed.
Method: Dip a glass rod in concentrated hydrochloric acid and put this in a sample of the gas. Result: If ammonia is present, a white ‘smoke’ of ammonium chloride is observed.
The researchers induced hyperammonaemia in rats and administered an oral dose of concentrated C. molmol resin powder for eight weeks. Body weight, blood ammonia levels and other major liver and ...