Revised community guidelines for all other levels of Australian football will be released soon. In following the elite game guidelines, the earliest that a player can return to play after a concussion ...
For athletes with concussion, persistent postconcussion changes are seen in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and white matter at return-to-play (RTP) and up to one year later, according to a study ...
Aim To determine the incidence of concussions in top-level (World Karate Federation World Championships) karate competition. Methods Injuries that took place in 4 consecutive World Karate ...
Concussio n is the the most serious and commonly reported injury in Premiership Rugby, a new report said yesterday. Head injuries have become a focal point in recent seasons following a number of ...
“Concussions are down ... Nowinski believes that further reforms are needed at the youth and collegiate levels, where safety measures lag behind the NFL. He argues that delaying tackle football ...
Objective To assess current levels of knowledge and attitude towards concussion in Irish soccer players and compare findings with other athletic groups. Design Participants completed a paper bases ...
THE AFL has released updated guidelines on the Management of Sport-Related Concussion in Australian Football at all levels of the game outside AFL and AFLW. The detailed guidelines include a dedicated ...
Concussion damage could linger in an athlete's brain for at least a year, long after they've rejoined their sport, a new study says. Concussed college athletes had brain changes that remained ...