It can take anywhere from two weeks to six months to recover from a concussion according to Sanford Hospital medical staff.
Almost two-thirds of the claimants in a concussion lawsuit against rugby league authorities showed symptoms of chronic ...
Researchers evaluated athletes for signs of brain changes from concussion when they were allowed to return to play and up to ...
Treatment of concussion involves monitoring and rest. Symptoms usually go away entirely within three weeks, though they may persist, or complications may occur. Repeated concussions can cause ...
Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen speed up the recovery from concussion ... also about 15% more likely to return to having no symptoms more quickly than those who didn't take them.
Athletes had MRI scans taken before their seasons began, as well as five days, one to three months, and a year after returning to play following a concussion. Concussed players still showed signs ...
Concussion damage can linger in an athlete’s brain long after they return to play Signs of concussion damage were found in brain scans after athletes had been cleared to play This damage ...
Almost two-thirds of the claimants in a concussion lawsuit against rugby league authorities showed symptoms of chronic ... indicate 108 of them (64%) showed signs of CTE, which causes an increased ...