The Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice (CCJ) at Saint Louis University incorporates an interdisciplinary perspective to examine the causes and correlates of criminal behavior, as ...
etc.). The Criminology MS is ideal for beginning and advanced learners who plan to (or already) work in settings that require a strong background in crime or law, with associated skills in analyzing ...
This program also prepares you for graduate studies in law, criminology, or public policy and administration ... Excelling in the criminal justice system or a related field requires a background in ...
We consider a broad range of information about each candidate, admitting students with a background in one or more of the behavioural- or social sciences, or with legal training, who are interested in ...
individuals graduating with a bachelors or masters degree in criminology, or students with a background in one or more of the behavioral or social sciences, or with legal training, who are interested ...