"There, through the scanner and a body search, the wig was found, which contained more ... The video shows an officer cutting the man's hairpiece, exposing 19 drug-filled tablets.
Video shows police in Colombia cutting off a man’s toupee where he had hidden more than 220 grams of cocaine. CTV News App Contact Us Newsletters Team Twitter feed ...
Video footage of the arrest showed officers cutting off the toupee from the man’s head, with several small packages of cocaine seen attached to the inside of the wig. READ MORE: Connecticut ...
Airport officials were left astounded after discovering a surprising item hidden under a passenger's toupee. In a video recently released by Colombian police, airport officers are seen cutting ...
He was taken into custody in Cartagena. Footage released by local police showed an officer wearing hospital gloves cutting through the toupee with scissors, which covered the suspect’s shaved head.
Some $10,495-worth of drugs was hidden beneath the narco-wig, police said, and the suspect was arrested for trafficking.