DC Universe Online allows gamers to become superheroes in chaotic, superhero-filled cities like Gotham. Superman 64 is infamously bizarre for its terrible flying controls and the majority of the ...
DCUI paid subscribers can now access Absolute Batman #1-4, Absolute Superman #1-3 ... with Dark Horse Comics Digital. DC Universe Infinite is an online streaming service that primarily distributes ...
Henry Cavill as Superman? Thanos ... bread and butter for almost two decades, and while DC has previously dabbled in them, the upcoming DC Universe may not be so beholden. Speaking to a group ...
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's the Superman release date, bringing the first entry in James Gunn's DCU: Chapter One. No DC cinematic universe is complete without the Man of Steel ...
But DC had a Superman reboot from Zack Snyder, "Man of Steel," on the way, and it was announced that the movie could lead to more films in the same universe. Snyder's dark take was divisive ...